Terms of use

Article 1. General Provisions

Information posted on the website of the trading platforms "GreenEnergy.kg", "GreenEnergy.tj" and "YashilEnergiya.uz</ u>" (hereinafter - Marketplaces) and the GreenEnergy mobile application, contains the terms of the offer to purchase goods and is a public offer in accordance with p. 2 tbsp. 398 of the Civil Code of the Kyrgyz Republic (hereinafter - the Civil Code). The Buyer's acceptance is the placing of an order for the offered goods (Article 399 of the Civil Code).
In their activities, Marketplaces are guided by the provisions of the Civil Code, the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic dated 05.12.1997. No. 90 "On Protection of Consumer Rights" (hereinafter - Law No. 90), "Rules for Trade in Certain Types of Goods on the Territory of the Kyrgyz Republic", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of 30.09. 2014. No. 560 (hereinafter referred to as Rules No. 560) and other applicable legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic (hereinafter referred to as law/legislation).
These Rules (conditions) can be changed by Marketplaces without any special notice, the new version of the Rules (conditions) enters effective from the moment it is posted on the Marketplace website, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Rules (conditions), and does not apply to legal relations between the Buyer, the Seller and the Marketplace that arose before the entry into force of the new version of the Rules (conditions). The current version of the Rules (Terms and Conditions) is always located on the page at: https://www.greenenergy.kg/.
The Seller sells the Goods through Marketplaces at the site addresses https://www.greenenergy.kg/, https://www.greenenergy.tj/</a > and https://www.yashilenergiya.uz/.


Article 2. Terms and definitions.

  • Marketplace(s)– marketplace(s) where product information is provided by several third parties, while transactions are processed by a single operator, that is, a software and hardware complex of organizational, informational and technical solutions that ensure the interaction of the Seller and the Buyer through electronic communication channels designed to provide the Buyer via the Internet with the information necessary when making a purchase, including the range of goods, prices, methods and terms of payment and delivery, for receiving from buyers via the Internet or telephone messages about the intention to purchase goods, as well as to ensure the possibility of delivering goods to the address indicated by the buyer or to the point of self-delivery;</p >

  • Seller is a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur who has entered into a partnership agreement with the Marketplace(s) in order to sell your product by listing it on the Marketplace(s) website.

  • Marketplace website – a set of logically related web pages containing data owned and administered by the Marketplace about goods and conditions of their purchase, at https://svetofor.info/;

  • Seller's Page —a page of the Site containing information about the terms of sale, delivery and return of the Goods sold by the Sellers, and as well as other information that is essential for the conclusion and execution of the contract for the sale of the Goods. The Seller's page is available via the link placed on the page with the description of the Goods above the "Buy in one click" button.

  • Product – any real thing or electronic resource presented in the catalog on its Marketplace website;

  • Buyer – a person who both purchases/orders goods, and intends to order or already uses goods for personal, family, household and other needs not related to entrepreneurial activities;

  • Personal data – information provided by the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 14.04.2008. No. 58 "About personal information", voluntarily and knowingly provided by the Buyer when placing an order in the Marketplace and necessary for the execution of the Buyer's order by the Marketplace;

  • Order – an electronic/verbal telephone application of the Buyer for the purchase of goods from the Marketplace catalog, agreed by the parties, accepted and executed Marketplace operator;

  • Services – a set of Marketplace activities in relation to the Seller or the Buyer, carried out in order to fulfill the conditions for the sale of goods, including se